Fox Translate
The concept of crowd sourcing is one of the more revolutionary influences of the internet. Not just a remote work force but a freelance, part time, group of resources; experts in their respective fields and available at any time, from anywhere, and for the right price. I’m a fan of most of the major crowd source services, from oDesk’s remote workforce management to Crowdspring’s amazing set of designers, the web makes it possible to find and manage talent much more qualified than you at just about any task you can imagine. Fox Translate is revolutionizing document translation for millions dealing with governments, academic organizations, and businesses. Leveraging a remote work force of natural language translators, Fox Translate can turn around a birth certificate, marriage license, resume, patent, or just about any document you can imagine, better, faster, and cheaper than any alternative.
Following the redesign of their site with a much more manageable and SEO friendly CMS, I turned my attention to awareness and acquisition; focusing on search given the breadth of documents, languages, and cases involved. Developing an extensive search marketing program reflected my time with HP and admittedly it was refreshing to work again with a platform so tailored to search marketing as a channel. Paralleling SEM, my work in SEO for Fox Translate really started from the ground up; enabling us to build the business with SEO permeated through the organization.
Hardly a search marketing channel alone, we’re delving in to affiliate marketing, email, and social media to extend the brand and introduce those in need to a better, faster, cheaper way to translate documents.
- CATEGORY Analytics & Business Intelligence , Marketing