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  • MicroVentures

    In 2014 and 2015, I followed my passion for evolving, and even innovating, venture capital and served as Chief Marke...
  • Affintus

    Matching candidates to jobs based on the way they work, the work culture they prefer and the way they think, Affintu...
  • Dachis Group / Sprinklr

    From social customer service to enterprise collaboration, Dachis Group has helped some of the world’s largest compan...
  • Next One’s On Me

    With NOOM, it’s easy to treat friends, family and colleagues to their next beer, coffee, or cocktail.  They decide w...
  • Cospace

    Distinct from other relationships in this portfolio, I was one of the founders of Cospace, one of Austin’s ori...
  • Fliptop

    Turning subscribers in to profiles, Fliptop is one of the more innovative technologies in social marketing and tools...
  • Steiner Ranch Post

    An ambitious personal project, Steiner Ranch Post was a showcase for a platform being built to make it easy for comm...
  • Fox Translate

    Fox Translate

    The concept of crowd sourcing is one of the more revolutionary influences of the internet. Not just a remote work fo...
  • Outright.com

    For most of 2009 and 2010, I spent my time running Marketing with Outright.com. Perhaps the most brilliant applicati...
  • Right Taxes Now

    If you’ve spent any time working for yourself, starting a small business, founding a company, or simply workin...
  • Zvents.com

    Starting in 2007, through 2008, I was thrilled to have been part of one of the most exciting developments in local s...
  • HP

    Specifically hpshopping.com, I was lucky enough to have been a part of HP at an evolutionary time in their internet ...