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142,000 subscribers from companies like Google, Sequoia Capital, and Amazon Ventures.

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Austin Startups

Everything Austin, TX entrepreneurs
Matthew Gonzales appbackr
Highly respected in his field and a frequent speaker at many top level conference where I've witnessed standing room only time after time. He is a master at explaining search in ways that even the most novice students get it.
Antoinette (Rodriguez) RosenbergGather'd Market
Paul - Thanks again for joining the bootcamp last week. It was extremely helpful to hear your framework and apply it to my business. I started drafting a pitch deck a few months ago. Everything about it felt wrong, but I wasn't sure why. It wasn't until your session that it clicked and I knew instantly what was missing. I was telling the wrong story for that particular audience. Just wanted to say thank you again for making fundraising feel accessible to new founders.
Emily Roccheggiani Adyen
I pulled him into practically every B2C strategy meeting with portfolio companies at the Austin Technology Incubator. Paul is a rare breed of marketers who understands the entire value chain of marketing.
Mike MillardMassChallenge
Someone who leads by example well, he cares, he cares about startups, he cares about people, innovation, and he has an amazing mind, and I'm blessed that I know him and that he makes me better at what I do, so thank you Paul.


Economic development of venture capital and entrepreneurship.  Let's talk.

We develop, for cities, governments, companies, and the broader economy, innovation through media, incubators, local economies of scale, partnerships, and the effective use of technologies that result in successful venture development.

We're the team behind "Texas startups" and the region being a now and future hub for programs such as Founder Institute and Mass Challenge, as well as a focus from startup investors throughout the world.


Jeffrey SchwartzLoop & Tie
Paul has the great ability to juggle 8 balls at once and is a jack of all trades. He is not only helpful on everything related to press, PR, marketing and social media, but has also added value by providing strategic direction/advice and even gets his hands dirty with technical development. He can be relied upon as a trusted partner and project manager.
Johnny KellyJ9 Partners
Few better returns on investment for Austin startups than hiring SEO'Brien. If I saw "we're going to allocate 10% of raise to hire Paul..." in "Use of Funds" in early-stage capital raise I would be way more inclined to invest.

  • in Insights / Research, Local, Startups

    Seek the Contrarian: What to Expect of a Good Entrepreneurship Program

    In a speech in Paris, in 1920, Theodore Roosevelt remarked the often encouraged, “Comparison Is the Thief of Joy.” That, when we compare ourselves to others, we rob ourselves of our own happiness as, through comparison, we either feel a sense of inferiority or superiority. What we see in entrepreneurship and among founders is this...
  • in Featured, Industry, Insights / Research

    The Quantum Corridor

    For too long, cities across the U.S. have attempted to define their startup communities by adopting monikers like “Silicon Prairie,” “Silicon Hills,” or “Silicon Beach,” an approach that inadvertently undermines their efforts to establish distinct, innovative identities. By labeling themselves after Silicon Valle...

working with paul3 fundamentals

Let's start with a chat and some advice....

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Market Intelligence

Know your market to direct a startup or corporate initiative by managing your place, positioning, price, and performance. Let's work through everything from analytics to KPIS.

Growth & Scale

Customers and investors seek value and organizations have to ask themselves if the are selling or fulfilling. Growth today is a matter of scale; multipliers that foster the right road map, programs, campaigns, and methods to queue demand.

Technology & Capital

Marketing brings resources to bear; managing your product roadmap, developing tools, designing and building your website, and serving investors as customers, attracting the capital you need to succeed.

In-depth analysis and opinion of startups, innovation, venture capital, and entrepreneurship. Critical and educational content for entrepreneurs.

Here for SEO?Everything you need to know...

Before you start

Search Engine Optimization is a practice, not a tactic. Learn why here

What to know

You can do it yourself. There are 8 steps. Here they are...

How to explain

Think about a library. Your site is a book. Learn what matters here
