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In 2014 and 2015, I followed my passion for evolving, and even innovating, venture capital and served as Chief Marketing Officer of MicroVentures, helping mature the company from investment bank, providing early stage capital to startup by way of equity crowdfunding, to scalable crowdfunding platform.

After one meeting with Paul you will get the hype. I pulled him into practically every B2C strategy meeting with portfolio companies at the Austin Technology Incubator. When I transitioned to MicroVentures, Paul was my first phone call. Paul put a strategy in place for us, and after 4 weeks of having him as a consultant it was clear we needed him as a cornerstone of our team. Paul is a rare breed of marketers who understands the entire value chain of marketing; from PR and advertising to SEO and online marketing, to his ability to get into code and establish marketing automation and tracking. Paul is a business mind and big picture thinker who can not only devise a responsive marketing strategy but can also execute it. The best part is that he loves and understands startups and can help a company craft a scaling strategy for marketing. I truly hope Paul and I can work together again, as he is my resident expert and first go-to phone call for all things in the M-suite.


– Emily Roccheggiani; VP Sales & Business Development, Adyen

