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Right Taxes Now

If you’ve spent any time working for yourself, starting a small business, founding a company, or simply working with entrepreneurs in such a position, you know that dealing with the government is nothing short of a pain in the ass. I can perhaps be said that the single greatest hurdle to entrepreneurship is fear and anxiety over what needs to be done to ensure you don’t get sued, fined, or penalized.

Enter Right Taxes Now
An extension of the work I was doing with Outright, Right Taxes Now.com (now closed) focused on the incompetence, ignorance, and blatant lack of support on the part of the U.S. government for American small business owners; with special attention to taxes and the IRS.

A simple WordPress powered platform integrates Get Satisfaction, Widgetbox, Twitter, Facebook, and a series of petitions to create a community of passionate small business owner determined to make a difference. The design focuses on featuring key stories, in much the same way a portfolio design serves to promote photos or products.
