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Starting in 2007, through 2008, I was thrilled to have been part of one of the most exciting developments in local search. Vantage Point Venture Partners backed Zvents.com is the most comprehensive and accurate index of local listings and things to do.

Easily the most challenging of experiences for any SEO, Zvents.com is the search and content platform of choice for over 400 national and local media brands including MSN, NBC, McClatchy, and YellowPages.com. That is, 400 duplicate sites each craving, demanding, prominent placement in Google. While optimizing such a platform, I was involved in the exploration of Zvents’ monetization strategy, now a powerful local advertising engine reaching over 10M unique users per month, and drove the evolution of Zvents early position as an events calendar to what you find today, truly, the next generation in local search.

With exceptional growth in the Zvents Media Network, rapid consumer adoption, and an innovation in local advertising enabling merchants, artists, and entertainers to promote where, when, and why you should patron, Zvents closed their last round with Nokia and AT&T before I took my leave to join Outright.com.
