Digg has generated some buzz for new search engine CometQueary citing “CometQuery provides fast results with thumbnails, like as seen on Ask.com. We may have a simple homepage but we also have a lot of power”
I say decide for yourself
These days, new search engines with better algorithms, faster results, or improved features are a dime a dozen; and each with their terribly original Yahoo/Google-esque name
But I am lost on the hype of CometQuery as a search for HP returns their support pages first and University of Nevada in Reno (though, perhaps, the engine is insightful knowing my holiday will be spent in Reno). The first two results for Lexus, are Australian sites with the third for Owners; where can I find more content to drool over the LS 460L?!?
One can easily predict a shake down in Search websites as Yahoo, Google, MSN, and Ask pick up the hot new technologies to add to their own. For now, stay focused on those that matter.
Thank you!
I read your blog with interest. My name is Daniel, creator of CometQuery.com and I must say the topics you brought up have kept me up all night tweaking the Algorithm. I have since released a new version of it and I think some searches will provide better results now, for example University of Nevada, I hope you understand that Digg post title was more so to get comments like yours. I have no plan to make money out of CometQuery so in turn I can’t invest much time in it, I have to work hard to keep it up!
I will read your blog with much interest and one again from the bottom of my heart I thank you, and I hope to prove to you and your readers that CometQuery will provide great such and great functions for everyone!
not even close to google.
Daniel, great to hear from you and I appreciate that you took my post with a grain of salt as a criticism of Digg, not CometQuery. My comments aside, the speed of the engine and attempt to include page snapshots are attractive benefits. Keep up the good work!