According to comScore, Google’s paid search click volume fell 7% in January, from the previous month, and were relatively flat with the same period last year. Industry pundits, economists, and search experts are fervent with the data, citing everything from a slow month, to validation of a recession, to the downfall of society!
I for one, only found amusement in the ongoing Yahoo! / Google dance as Yahoo! Finance announced (perhaps too proudly?), “Google Shocker: Paid Click Hits Wall.” How is the fact that Yahoo! announced the news as such not the only headline that matters? With the recent news of Yahoo! acquisition (Oh no he din’t just link to MSNbc for that story did he?!) and under the table efforts from Google to do, well, something, Henry Blodgett leads the story saying, “This is a shockingly bad report, I mean, even if comScore is only half right, it’s still a disaster for Google”
What? Is he out of his mind? How much money did Google make in January from paid search (genuine question, not rhetorical; I admit, I don’t care enough to look). Are paid clicks not still the future of digital advertising? Highly relevant, targeted, performance based marketing… Google hasn’t hit any wall and I assure you demand for that business only, at worst (at best? what’s the right turn of the phrase in this situation), blinked.
Are you not entertained that not only is the media no longer unbiased but they can so easily use their own massive audiences to attack one another with valid news? Yahoo! taking the opportunity to fling some mud, while themselves on the ropes?? Priceless.