If you have not already, I encourage you to spend time with MSN Ad Labs https://adlab.microsoft.com This is the first practical application of using search as an analytics resource.Still in development, you’ll find many sites and keywords not yet indexed but the insights for those that are available are tremendous.
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Here’s a sampling of the questions I’ve asked:
- Context-based acronym resolution
– Tells you most frequently used definitions of an acronym
– Negative keyword insight
HP: high pressure, hit points, horsepower (not hewlett-packard?)
ROI: region of interest (not just return on investment!)
BMW: bob Marley and the Wailers
PC: patrol craft, peace corp, police constable, politically correct - Keyword mutation detection
– Variations of the term actually searched
– Good for keyword suggestions
Google: googlr, googl, googie, gooogle
Mp3: mp3s, mp-3, mpc - Search Funnels
– Still not what I’m looking for but this does tell you keywords most frequently searched before and after a term
Search engine market -> search engine optimization
India SEO -> search engine optimization
Buy -> bestbuy, amazon, ebay, overstock
- Detecting online commercial intent
– % of Customers who intend to purchase product vs. acquire information/research from a keyword or on a site
Ford: commercial query Amazon: commercial query
Computer: commercial query
Surround sound: NONcommercial query
mp3: noncommercial query (not good for the RIAA!) - Keyword categorization
– Great for site-targeting and media planning
– Identifies categories in which audiences of a keyword are typically found
Bmw: autos (duh), library, work & money
Seo: business, homepages, internet
Affiliate: small business, internet, multimedia
Golf clubs: Sports, Auctions, Travel
Use it, love it, live it!