Get pants like jonathan
Thursday, 06 August 2009
Its been lambasted and praised; I, for one, think Microsoft’s award winning jingle is brilliant. After all, the holy grail of search? Being able to find pants like Jonathan: Bing!
- Published in Search
Is the media helping or hurting our understanding of SEO?
Friday, 25 July 2008
CNET’s Stephen Shankland has written a thorough review of Microsoft’s BrowseRank, “Microsoft tries to one-up Google PageRank” but its this perspective that really tells the story. It’s maddening to see yet another naive or deliberately misleading article on an innovation in search ranking, that perpetuates persistent misunderstanding of how search works and what makes search
- Published in Insights / Research, Search
Yahoo, Microsoft, Google oh my! (part 2 – the acquisition)
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
As questions whirl about the bid from Microsoft to acquire Yahoo!, I’m still astounded at how the focus of the media is on Search and what such a merger of traditional technology and internet behemoths will mean for Yahoo’s share of search relative to Google. The fact is, Google’s core technology and search science means
- Published in Search
Yahoo and Google and Microsoft oh my!
Friday, 04 May 2007
Can anyone keep up with recent news? Acquisition talk following what seems to be the month of mergers, with Hitwise going to Experian and, of course, Google’s pick up of DoubleClick, brings my old stomping grounds and once world’s strongest brand into the limelight. Yahoo! and Microsoft Microsoft is stepping up pursuit of Yahoo! to
- Published in Advertising, Search
MSN Search Excluding Paid Search Advertisers from Natural
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Did you know your position in natural search results could be adversely affected by a paid search listing? Weeks ago Microsoft filed a patent with which their search algorithm could filter the organic results to remove any duplicate listings (two domains pointing to the same website). Interesting implications I’ll admit, I’m intrigued and hope Microsoft
- Published in Search
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