An interesting question was recently asked of me, “do you have a Facebook group for you business and do you send people from your site to the Facebook group?”
Personally, Facebook is fantastic for creating a community, separate from your site and brand. In much the same way that there is, perhaps, no better recruiting engine than LinkedIn, Facebook is a brilliant social medium; an audience engaged with your brand and enthusiastic about interacting with it. But do you not want that audience on your site and, ultimately, not Facebook? Sending your audience from your site to Facebook is like telling them to leave the store but join your fan club.
Unless you literally recreate your store, registration points, newsletter/catalog signup, or whatever it is you ultimately want them to do ON Facebook, be careful of sending traffic there until after that point of conversion.
Let me pose the question to you
Do you have a Facebook group for you business and do you send people from your site to the Facebook group?
Social Networking sites should promote your link, not drive them away. LOL
Great point – it is far more productive to direct traffic from your facebook site to your website.