In 2014 and 2015, I followed my passion for evolving, and even innovating, venture capital and served as Chief Marke...
Matching candidates to jobs based on the way they work, the work culture they prefer and the way they think, Affintu...
From social customer service to enterprise collaboration, Dachis Group has helped some of the world’s largest compan...
With NOOM, it’s easy to treat friends, family and colleagues to their next beer, coffee, or cocktail. They decide w...
Distinct from other relationships in this portfolio, I was one of the founders of Cospace, one of Austin’s ori...
Turning subscribers in to profiles, Fliptop is one of the more innovative technologies in social marketing and tools...
An ambitious personal project, Steiner Ranch Post was a showcase for a platform being built to make it easy for comm...
The concept of crowd sourcing is one of the more revolutionary influences of the internet. Not just a remote work fo...
For most of 2009 and 2010, I spent my time running Marketing with Outright.com. Perhaps the most brilliant applicati...
If you’ve spent any time working for yourself, starting a small business, founding a company, or simply workin...
Starting in 2007, through 2008, I was thrilled to have been part of one of the most exciting developments in local s...
Specifically hpshopping.com, I was lucky enough to have been a part of HP at an evolutionary time in their internet ...
There is an unsung hero in the online advertising industry, the sales engineer / producer / ad product manager / ad ...
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