Startups Must Be Disruptive
Wednesday, 04 September 2024
by SEO'Brien
The word “disruption” often evokes a sense of upheaval, and for many startup founders, the idea of creating something that dismantles existing systems can be distasteful. I discovered this distaste most prominently in my relocation from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas, where the word “disruptive” was treated with disdain; a dirty word that implies founders
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Modern Day Heroes
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
by SEO'Brien
My world is almost entirely online; from my written works to the majority of MediaTech Ventures‘ focus, the internet changed everything about our world but in doing that, created confusion about what it means to be an entrepreneur, how we define a startup, and wherein we find the heroes of the modern era. In my
- Published in Startups