Google Analytics for Startups
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Some time ago, I had the honor of speaking during PeopleFund’s Innovation Week on the question of how to make the most of Google Analytics, with the fewest resources. Simply put, what every startup should do to make the platform one of their most valuable tools. Isn’t it already one of a startup’s most valuable tools??
The Only Thing You Need to Know About SEO
Friday, 27 December 2013
Austin, Texas is still an “SEO Community.” What do I mean by that? I’ve been in Austin three years now and the amount of time I spend advising startups why their desire to hire an SEO is misplaced, is astonishing. To this day, I’m introduced in social settings here as an SEO, clients refer to
- Published in Insights / Research, Natural Search / SEO, Search
Ping bing – The SEO Tongue Twister
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
One of the techniques used to attract search engine spiders to your blog or website is called pinging. Essentially, you alert the search engine of any changes to your site and it draws a crawler to reindex the content. This works on the same basic technology as the Trackback and Pingback with which you might
- Published in Search
The Sitemap, Your Hostess with the Mostest
Friday, 24 July 2009
I had a great conversation the other day with a friend who was asking about the importance of a sitemap. While a protocol exists, prompting an easy answer to most questions, it was proposed that following it didn’t really matter with Google owning search. Fine opinion to take if you are the type to put
- Published in Natural Search / SEO
3 Laws of SEO
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
If one were to distill all of the considerations associated with search engine optimization (not withstanding the new developments in semantic search), I’ve been asking myself if it isn’t possible to summarize 3 immutable laws of SEO. Hearken back a moment to elementary science and roll with me, so called laws are considered invariable facts
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search
SEO Fundamentals: Think of Google as a Person
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
What a whirlwind of change to keep up with! And I’m not talking about the economy. Rumors of Google and Twitter…. speculation of Facebook becoming Twitter…. rapid innovation between blog comment engines Disqus and Intense Debate with one snagging support from Mashable while the other still ignores Connect…. How is one to keep up with
- Published in Search
What Recession?
Friday, 05 December 2008
So what of the holiday shopping season? Sure, I’m late to the game with my assessment of Black Friday and Cyber Monday; what can I say? I wanted to do my due diligence and add some perspective to what’s going on. Key take away is that the season seems to off to a steady start;
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Insights / Research