Do Startups Not Need to Be Profitable?
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
We’re in this really weird era as Silicon Valley creeps out to the rest of the world, in which investors elsewhere, traditional business owners, and the like, keep advising everyone to, “focus on customers,” “it’s all about revenue,” and questions such as this. Startups never needed to become profitable. Venture Capital investors fund EXITS Grants fund
- Published in Insights / Research, Search
Peel Away Advertising for your Site or Blog
Monday, 04 February 2008
ProfitPeelers has launched, in beta, an affiliate web service allowing publishers to easily add a script to their site that adds a peel away ad to the page. These unobtrusive ads are believed to convert at much higher rates meaning more dollars for publishers and more opportunity for marketers. I’m excited about the ease of
- Published in Advertising