Why Most Investors Are Wasting Their Time Ignoring Emerging Fund Managers
Wednesday, 12 March 2025
The most prevalent reason why I always raise my hand to speak, moderate, or host an event, is that while written content reaches millions or podcasting helps people see or hear your tone and passion, it’s only through live events that one can read the reaction of an audience, and in real time nuance the
- Published in Startup Ecosystems
What the Best Angel Investors Do Differently in Startup Investing
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
The rush to become an angel investor mirrors the increase in the appeal of the “celebrity entrepreneur” we’ve seen over the last couple of decades. To flourish, the investor community must consolidate more (i.e. become an LP in a fund vs doing our own thing) and those who remain independent must level up their value-add. I
- Published in Raising Capital, Startup Ecosystems
How Funding Startups is Like Betting on Horses
Monday, 09 August 2021
Last week, a bit of a controversial, but thought-provoking, perspective about Venture Capital caught the attention of a lot of my readers and followers. There has been a horrific rash of *VC Bad* propaganda and misinformation lately, sparking my thought that people are being misled about the what Venture Capital is and does. That, entrepreneurs are frustrated
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Startups
The Future of our Economy Lies in Property Development and Startups Finding Common Ground
Thursday, 17 December 2020
“Perhaps one of the most important financial decisions a forest landowner will make is determining when to harvest timber.” That, the opening of a PennState article exploring the financial decisions land owners consider in this use case, including how to determine and calculate when to maximize financial returns, prompted a thought about investing in property
- Published in Economic Development, Startups
Do Startups Not Need to Be Profitable?
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
We’re in this really weird era as Silicon Valley creeps out to the rest of the world, in which investors elsewhere, traditional business owners, and the like, keep advising everyone to, “focus on customers,” “it’s all about revenue,” and questions such as this. Startups never needed to become profitable. Venture Capital investors fund EXITS Grants fund
- Published in Insights / Research, Search
Venture Capital in Texas
Thursday, 26 July 2018
The last time I had an opportunity to do this at such a scale was during Amazon’s Startup Day. What is the state of the Texas venture capital ecosystem? Interestingly, personally, since speaking for Amazon, Austin has been hemming and hawing about HQ2 and while the merit of that happening or not, is fodder for
- Published in Startups, Insights / Research
Conspire to Change Austin Startups
Friday, 11 August 2017
Peter Thiel, notable by way of PayPal, Founders Fund, and Zero to One, if you’re not familiar, noted once that, “a great company is a conspiracy to change the world.” I was honored recently to be asked by one of Austin’s great mentors and investors, Ryan Merket, to keynote Amazon’s AWS Startup Day in Austin.
- Published in Startups, Texas Startups