Is the media helping or hurting our understanding of SEO?
Friday, 25 July 2008
CNET’s Stephen Shankland has written a thorough review of Microsoft’s BrowseRank, “Microsoft tries to one-up Google PageRank” but its this perspective that really tells the story. It’s maddening to see yet another naive or deliberately misleading article on an innovation in search ranking, that perpetuates persistent misunderstanding of how search works and what makes search
- Published in Google, MSN, Search, Vertical Search
Search Engine Optimization : Part 2 : Popularity (Page Rank or PageRank)
Thursday, 26 October 2006
Last week I brought you part one, “Accessibility” of our detailed SEO strategy. Without question, I’d argue your second focus should be on a Google concept called Page Rank.Simply put, Page Rank is popularity. Yes, it is sad but true, websites play the same game for visibility that we played in high school; popularity is
- Published in Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search