The 8 Things Startup Founders Need to Know about SEO (and one more that will surprise)
Thursday, 06 October 2016
In the spirit of the great Buzzfeed content marketing hacks, here are the 8 things startup founders need to know about SEO! Honestly, what you’re in for is a non-marketing, non-search oriented exploration of why SEO is critical to startups, founders, and your success or failure as a new venture. I had the honor of
- Published in Search, Natural Search / SEO, Startups
Who is the best SEO expert in Austin?
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Who is the best SEO expert in Austin you ask? That’s a good question but one with no answer other than, it depends. Frankly, I’m posting this article about who the best SEO expert in Austin is just to make that point and show you that it isn’t hard to get the result that led
- Published in Austin, Natural Search / SEO, Search
The Only Thing You Need to Know About SEO
Friday, 27 December 2013
Austin, Texas is still an “SEO Community.” What do I mean by that? I’ve been in Austin three years now and the amount of time I spend advising startups why their desire to hire an SEO is misplaced, is astonishing. To this day, I’m introduced in social settings here as an SEO, clients refer to
- Published in Insights / Research, Natural Search / SEO, Search
Writing Search Optimized Blog Posts
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Whether you run a site or a blog, ongoing content creation is one of the best ways to attract search engines and build equity for your domain. Consider it one of the few clearly logarithmic forms of marketing; while your early work may seem futile, over time, content depth on your site will likely trump
- Published in Natural Search / SEO
The Sitemap, Your Hostess with the Mostest
Friday, 24 July 2009
I had a great conversation the other day with a friend who was asking about the importance of a sitemap. While a protocol exists, prompting an easy answer to most questions, it was proposed that following it didn’t really matter with Google owning search. Fine opinion to take if you are the type to put
- Published in Natural Search / SEO