Promoting Your Business with a WordPress Plugin
Thursday, 08 March 2012
Few marketers, and even fewer entrepreneurs and business owners, realize the significance of WordPress. With the hype and popularity of Tumblr (to be sure, it’s growing like a weed), this CMS (Content Management System) is easily discarded as a tool used by blogs and bloggers. Any idea how many blogs are in the world? I
- Published in Advertising, Featured, Search, Startups
Fox Translate Among Many Reinventing Crowdsourcing
Friday, 07 January 2011
If not familiar with Crowdsourcing, I’m not surprised. While it’s one of the greatest revolutions in web services in the past few years, the concept has gone largely unnoticed due to the many disparate uses for leveraging the wisdom of the crowds. According to the crowdsourcing experts at chaordix, crowdsourcing is “a way of engaging
- Published in Startups