Startups: Avoid Competition (don’t neglect it)
Sunday, 03 May 2020
Years ago, Peter Thiel provocatively proclaimed in the Wall Street Journal that “Competition Is for Losers” and I recall loving the headline not for the negative connotation implied, but for the play on words that you’re going to lose if you set out to compete. “The airlines compete with each other, but Google stands alone.
- Published in Startups
How a Struggling Startup turns into a Successful Business
Tuesday, 04 September 2018
You’re here meaning you’re in the great majority of founders who struggle. According to my last “study” *ahem* of the startup economy, that’s roughly 100% of us. Imagine that. Yep, we all struggle. It might be said that the very definition of being an entrepreneur is epitomized in the one who struggles. It’s our job
- Published in Startups, Insights / Research