Might it be Said that the Purpose of an Entrepreneur is to Create Problems?
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
The Problem Solution Statement; a core tenet of Lean Startup and Customer Development. A phrase that conveys to founders and investors alike that the purpose of a startup is to solve a problem; an idea that leads many to believe that a pitch should lay out how the problem is being solved. With most new
- Published in Startups
The Cracks of an Entrepreneur
Friday, 24 August 2018
In a New York Times interview with David Gelles, James B. Stewart, Jessica Silver-Greenberg, and Kate Kelly, the Times journalists noted that Elon Musk, “choked up multiple times, noting that he nearly missed his brother’s wedding this summer and spent his birthday holed up in Tesla’s offices as the company raced to meet elusive production targets on a crucial new
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups