Book of the month club?
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Should I start one? I don’t read enough but I feel like I keep coming across books that are worth your while. We’ve taken a random walk through search about books, caught up with Lance Loveday, and even plugged a little ole book that features me (teehee!). I get a kick out of my Amazon
- Published in Analytics, Fun, Insights / Research, Vendors / Agencies
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Throw Hitwise on the Acquisition List
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Experian, the company I know best for their free credit reports, acquired Hitwise today for approximately $240m; adding to our growing list of recent acquisitions. Credit is by no means all for which they are known as the parent brand of well known online names including, cheetahMail, and a favorite from my old stomping
- Published in Analytics, Comparison Shopping, Insights / Research, Vendors / Agencies