e-Commerce Provider Comparison: Shopify, BigCommerce, Volusion, Pinnacle Cart…
Friday, 24 June 2011
If you’ve ever ventured in to e-Commerce, you know that the platform choices can be mind boggling. From developing your own store to hosting it with a WordPress plugin to leveraging a 3rd party provider to getting started on a fully hosted service like Etsy, the options are so complex that it’s not a question
- Published in eCommerce
Is Your Site (not your blog) Run By WordPress? Perhaps it Should Be
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
WordPress – The celebrated blog platform, favored by search marketers for its amazing degree of customization and built-in optimization, comes in two flavors: Hosted by wordpress.com: Gets you started as quickly and easily as the perhaps more well known hosted, and Google owned, Blogger. The WordPress platform provided by wordpress.org: The downloadable version of WordPress
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Insights / Research, Vendors / Agencies