e-Commerce Provider Comparison: Shopify, BigCommerce, Volusion, Pinnacle Cart…
Friday, 24 June 2011
If you’ve ever ventured in to e-Commerce, you know that the platform choices can be mind boggling. From developing your own store to hosting it with a WordPress plugin to leveraging a 3rd party provider to getting started on a fully hosted service like Etsy, the options are so complex that it’s not a question
- Published in eCommerce
Analytics Vendor Comparison : Omniture, Coremetrics, Hitbox, and Google
Friday, 10 August 2007
For years, we have all pined over the lack of a comprehensive comparison of analytics platforms from Omniture’s SiteCatalyst, Coremetrics, Visual Sciences’ Hitbox (previously WebSideStory), and Google. Online marketers and web designers have to sit through cumbersome sales pitches and wade through confusing RFPs to decipher which solution is best for them. No more I
- Published in Analytics, Vendors / Agencies
New Google Base Attributes
Friday, 09 February 2007
My favorite CSE, Google Base (I still prefer “Froogle” don’t you?), has made a significant enhancement to the quality of their product engine with the addition of product attributes to the feed specifications. As I hope you know, Google Base allows stores to upload product feeds so that their audience can find, consider, and compare
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search, Vertical Search