Affiliate Marketing through WordPress plugins
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
One of the keys to success in affiliate marketing is contextual relevance. Sure, there is no fixed cost associating with running your program through the thousands of coupon and deal related sites that exist to make a quick buck. Unfortunately, the time spent managing an extensive set of publishers and keeping an eye out for
- Published in Affiliate Marketing, Blogs & Blogging
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Get Paid to Search
Monday, 16 February 2009
This has been tried before hasn’t it? Services that pay you to surf, click, search, or share have been around since the dawn of the internet and one has to wonder from two perspectives; first, why don’t they catch on as significantly as you might expect and second, what’s the catch? I like Scour and
- Published in Fun, Search, Vertical Search
Get Paid to Search
Friday, 16 March 2007
Let’s keep Friday interesting shall we? Anyone remember AllAdvantage? I admit I tried it, earning mere cents for the hours that I spent surfing the internet (granted, I still do that without earning anything). The concept was simple enough, getting paid for doing something online: reading email, surfing, visiting specific sites, or signing up for