Start Up Right: Know Your Potential Customers
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
by SEO'Brien
Every entrepreneur struggles with the idea of traction. The word we hear uttered by investors, mentioned by advisors, cited in blog posts, and the holy grail of entrepreneurship, traction, really means a lot of different things to any number of people. And still, as we venture forth, we’re constantly focused on customers and what I’ve noticed
- Published in Brand Marketing, Insights / Research, Social Media, Startups
Understanding Customers with Social Profile Data
Friday, 06 May 2011
by SEO'Brien
It was just about a year ago that I was thrilled by my discovery of a brilliant startup helping businesses profile their customers through social network data. While we’re all excited about the promise of social marketing and media, understanding who is paying attention, what works, and who cares is still a challenge. For all
- Published in Social Media