The Vision For Austin
Wednesday, 08 March 2017
You know that licking of your lips and grasping at air that one does when trying to put in to words a dream. How you think through, as you’re talking with someone, something you just can’t quite simplify. What I’m thinking about is not a dream but a vision. Something magical is happening by way
- Published in Brand Marketing, Texas Startups
The 12 Days of Austin
Monday, 19 December 2016
On our first day in Austin my true love gave to me, a grackle in the Treaty tree. It’s the hap-happiest season of all, with those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings, when friends come to call. There are parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and caroling out in the snow, well… cold. There is
#Austin the Musical
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Why Austin, TX, the live music capital of the world, doesn’t yet have a bound for Broadway musical about it is beyond me. And rather than complain, what should any good entrepreneur do? Now seeking writers, producers, and cast! It’s the story of an upstart “technology entrepreneur” who packs up her Mac, guitar, and a
- Published in Austin
Recently Asked: Who are the Notable Angel Investors in Austin?
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
I’ve been frequently asked lately who are considered Austin Angel Investors and though we’ve explored later stage, institutional venture capital in Austin, Texas, I realized I hadn’t put much thought to those whom really stands out as a traditional Angel investor. The distinction matters, and the question an important one, as raising capital requires that you engage
The Rhythm of Austin Innovation
Monday, 08 August 2016
I had the honor of joining Austin Inno’s Billy Utt today on The Beat. His usual host, the resplendent Brent Winstom, was I’m sure preparing to cheer Dwyer or Haas to the 200m freestyle gold tonight, so I was called up from the deck to chat live about the latest in Austin innovation, via The Beat newsletter.
Austin is Music Tech
Monday, 06 June 2016
“Music is the greatest form of communication. It possesses the information of language, the emotion of poetry, the creativity of art and the passion of love.” That’s a thought I shared almost two decades ago with a Yahoo! time capsule (yes, there was such a thing); a sentiment I put down for posterity, digitally. Music
Real Estate Tech is Texas
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Everything is bigger in Texas, under the Lone Star. Real estate is as Texan as Oil & Gas, with even ranches here that are larger than some states. What recently struck me was the discovery that, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis and National Association of Realtors, Texas Real Estate accounts for roughly 14%
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Local, Startups