Startup Valuations May Vary, Here’s Why and What You Need to Know
Monday, 05 December 2022
Businesses are valued based a multiple of earnings and profit. The variation stems from a few things associated with what that multiple might be (since earnings and profit are evident) Investor opinion about the capabilities of the executive team Investor awareness of competition, threats, and opportunities Investor knowledge about the market, trends, and potential regulation
- Published in Startups
The Valuation of a Pre Funded Startup
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Startups all, struggle with a question of what’s called, “valuation.” What is the company worth? To put together a pitch deck, negotiate terms with investors, or just to share with potential team members and advisors what you’re doing, people will want to know what it’s worth now. Before you take money from a venture capital
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
“A VC is asking 6% for acting as an advisor…”
Friday, 27 September 2019
As a startup mentor, that’s the start of the all too common question from founders trying to figure out if they should part with equity to get someone involved. As a venture partner, that’s a reflection of what too many startups are offered and it’s a turn of the phrase that ranks right up there
- Published in Featured, Raising Capital, Startups