The Dark Ages of Employment
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
I’ve recently had the pleasure of being a part of many conversations about (un)employment, millennials, outsourcing, coworking, generation x, baby boomers, education, entrepreneurship, health care, corporations, and government. Bear with me, there’s a common thread here and I think it’s one that results in a revolution. Why We Work Of late, a common discussion over
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
What Collaborative Spaces Mean to a Community
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Whether a community of entrepreneurs, developers, small business owners, or none of the above, collaborative work spaces are changing the landscape of our workforce and driving economic development for cities. This is no more apparent than in the reaction of the community of Silicon Valley to news that Hacker Dojo was in peril. New York Times Reports: Silicon Valley
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Founders Dating
Monday, 06 August 2012
Starting a new business is a lot like dating. Indeed, the founders of Cospace went on a few dates; we had drinks, we explored our likes and dislikes, experimented with a few ideas, (I think I even got to second base once), and now it’s serious. Lucky for us, this was’t our first time around
- Published in Startups
I’m a Hustler Baby
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
In the past week-and-change, we had the incredible pleasure of welcoming Marc Mapes to the Cospace team. I’m a personal fan as he took the risk of playing with his name for his blog; where “SEO’Brien” has served me well – as much a handicap as a boon, you can’t argue with the genius of a personal brand like
Promoting Your Business with a WordPress Plugin
Thursday, 08 March 2012
Few marketers, and even fewer entrepreneurs and business owners, realize the significance of WordPress. With the hype and popularity of Tumblr (to be sure, it’s growing like a weed), this CMS (Content Management System) is easily discarded as a tool used by blogs and bloggers. Any idea how many blogs are in the world? I
- Published in Advertising, Search, Startups
Austin Startup Week
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Some major movers and shakers in Austin are pulling together the first of a series of events focused on Austin’s incredible startup scene. Scheduled for 5 days in September (6 – 10, 2011), Austin Startup Week will expose you to the hottest Austin Startups and the people that make them happen. The goal? “To create an
- Published in Startups
A Prius in Austin, TX
Wednesday, 01 June 2011
Having been in Austin for about 6 months now, there’s one irrefutable fact that everyone in Austin acknowledges with a cock-eyed smile; Californians love Austin, perhaps too much. More than that, Steiner Ranch (the neighborhood in which we settled) seems to be the magnet for relocations from the Sunshine State. One of those transplants myself,
- Published in Austin, Insights / Research, Local, Startups