Why a Competitive Analysis is a First Step as a Founder
Thursday, 17 September 2020
There is a trick to entrepreneurship, to starting a venture, that no one really ever talks about. Not sure why they don’t talk about it… perhaps because they don’t understand how to do it… perhaps because everyone is selling something… perhaps because they’ve hired help and it sucked… regardless, I’m going to let you in
- Published in Advertising, Featured, Insights / Research, Startups
How do you compete with a startup doing the same thing as you?
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Also known as Cheaper / Better / Faster, you get to pick two. How do you compete with a startup doing the same thing as you? You study them. It’s called Marketing. That’s what Marketing actually is, too many think it means promotion or advertising. see: Is Advertising Marketing? The Best Marketing Advice to Give a Startup
- Published in Advertising, Featured, PR, Search, Startups
The Pitch Deck Slide That Can Make you Look Like a Moron
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Okay so perhaps implying that you might be a moron is a bit harsh but let’s be realistic, as a startup in need of funding, if you fail to secure that funding simply because you haven’t done your homework or your failure to communicate effectively, you’re a moron. I’ve explored in the past, quite a
- Published in Raising Capital, Startups