“I have an Idea but lack Experience or Startup Capital…”
Monday, 09 September 2024
This is one of those frequently heard statements that helps a startup ecosystem recognize that gaps remain. Last week, I pushed founders and economists to recognize the distinction between innovation and technology (between startups and businesses), and from that, I was asked for advice too frequently asked, “How can I capitalize on an app idea
- Published in Startups
The Critical Role of Startup Mentors
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
Finding myself now through 3 cycles of the economy (more or less), working with startups throughout, I can’t help but observe and plead for people to raise their hands in philanthropy as mentors to entrepreneurs and would be founders. I’m no graphic designer but an idea struck me that felt best conveyed in a graphic,
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
25 Startup Lessons from Serial Startup Executives
Friday, 29 January 2016
Advice about startups is prolific as grains of sand on a beach. Heck, here I am, sharing advice and implying I have the answers. In truth though, classically trained and experienced as a marketer, I hope I also convey more than most that there are no answers, only insight, opportunity, experience, and potential. Everyone wants
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Startup Advisors vs. Mentors
Tuesday, 01 July 2014
Words tossed about so frequently in startup communities, it is easy to conclude they mean the same thing; that it doesn’t matter what such people are called, as long as you have some, you’re in good shape. But is that really so? Over the years, I’ve come to notice that startup communities collect mentors as though they are
- Published in Startups