Search Engine Optimization : Part 5 : Do Not Redesign Without a Plan for Search
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
It has been some time since I’ve thought about SEO tactics so let me see if I can’t come up with the 5th most important thing to consider about SEO…. Oh yea… Don’t change anything! Okay, not exactly. More literally, do not redesign your site without a plan for natural search engines. When you redesign
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search
Free SEO Clinic
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Search Engine Journal launched a free SEO Clinic today for sites lacking experience with search engine optimization. As you can imagine, they don’t have the resources to support everyone who walks through the door so each week, one challenge will be met by a respectable group including Loren Baker, Carsten Cumbrowski, and Garret French who
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search, Vendors / Agencies
Search Engine Optimization : Part 4 : Site content and page copy
Thursday, 08 February 2007
What do you say we get back to my 10 part discussion of search engine optimization with part 4? It has been a while so a quick review of my take on SEO and other articles you’ll find: Too many attempt to cover the variety of initiatives that demand attention in a list or summary
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search
Google Now Reports Links to your Site
Monday, 05 February 2007
Feel like I’ve been neglecting my blog? I do though my feelings are torn as I’ve been traveling (and will be again), making posts difficult; I hate leaving my blog unsupported but those Mai Tais sure alleviate the concerns! 😉 I’m back for a while with so many topics and ideas broiling in my head
- Published in Analytics, Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search
Google Bots and robots.txt
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Just a heads up that there is a an official statement from Google about your robots.txt file with a rarely discussed comment about how to disallow the spider from indexing sub-directories They will have a series of posts about how to manage access to your site and its pages so subscribe or come back here
- Published in Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search
DMOZ is back
Friday, 19 January 2007
It has been so long since DMOZ, one of the most widely used directories, appeared to be making additions and edits, I’ve neglected it and missed some important news. On December 20, 2006, Search Engine Roundtable reported the editor area had reopened. Even then though, it was unclear how much editing was being done. The
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search