Is a Site Widget helpful for SEO?
Friday, 22 December 2006
Social bookmarking site released a website widget today that publishes the quantity of bookmarks and highlights most popular tags for a page in your site. is much more flexible than web browser favorites or bookmarks as you can store links to favorite websites online, allowing you to access the same bookmarks from any
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search, Web 2.0
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Search Behavior and a Proxy Site (yes, its a full day!)
Wednesday, 06 December 2006
The holidays sure keep us busy don’t they!? I confess my recent intermittent posts are not a result of the busy season but attention to new research and my support of a couple remarkable blogs. I anxiously await the results of a comprehensive study of online searcher behavior correlated with online activity and time spent,
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Insights / Research, Natural Search / SEO, Search, Vendors / Agencies
Search For Insights
Friday, 17 November 2006
From time to time I’ve alluded to a little known, little used, concept by which marketers use search activity and trends to study customer behavior and marketing effectiveness. Consider that with the majority of U.S. adults online and studies suggesting 80-90% of those online use search, you have a tremendous, real time focus group of
Let Offline Experiences be your Guide
Monday, 06 November 2006
This weekend I had the good fortune to spend some time with Elliot Sloan, lead singer of Blessid Union of Souls at a Train concert. I often feel so focused on the day-to-day opportunities and challenges of online marketing that I fear losing perspective on traditional marketing; this experience was a refreshing view of event
- Published in Brand Marketing, Fun, Natural Search / SEO, Search
Great Articles and Blogs
Thursday, 02 November 2006
Not much time to post today so here’s a quick update on some great sites I’ve been meaning to share. One is a blog, the other two merely articles but all great additions to your RSS Feed ReaderLee Odden runs Online Marketing Blog, a wonderful summary of news, great articles, and blog reviews. His marketing
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Natural Search / SEO, Paid Search, Search
Search Engine Optimization : Part 2 : Popularity (Page Rank or PageRank)
Thursday, 26 October 2006
Last week I brought you part one, “Accessibility” of our detailed SEO strategy. Without question, I’d argue your second focus should be on a Google concept called Page Rank.Simply put, Page Rank is popularity. Yes, it is sad but true, websites play the same game for visibility that we played in high school; popularity is
- Published in Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search