Easier way to love Twitter and Facebook
Thursday, 18 December 2008
by Paul O'Brien
…. If you are anything like me, you have dozens or hundreds of active bloggers that you like to follow. Combined with friends and family, coworkers, and witty peers, you can quickly find yourself under a mountain of updates, pokes, and tweets. Worse case, you become overwhelmed and abandon the platforms entirely. Dozens of twitter
- Published in Social Media
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Do you Send your Traffic Away?
Friday, 07 November 2008
by Paul O'Brien
An interesting question was recently asked of me, “do you have a Facebook group for you business and do you send people from your site to the Facebook group?” Personally, Facebook is fantastic for creating a community, separate from your site and brand. In much the same way that there is, perhaps, no better recruiting
- Published in Insights / Research, Social Media
Tackling Twitter Today Too
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
by Paul O'Brien
Coincidence? I think not. The day after I start Twitting, Molecular’s Steve Mulder (no relation) gives us a great brief of the 5 tips for using Twitter to market with this emerging communications channel. Listen and Learn – This is a brilliant opportunity I hadn’t even realized was possible Publish valuable news and information –
- Published in Advertising, Conferences / Events, Social Media
Social Networks Make Poor Advertising Bedfellows
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
by Paul O'Brien
Things aren’t looking good for social networks. The bandwagon web platform which has everyone starting a new company has proven effective in attracting an audience yet, to add insult to injury (I think it is safe to say Friendster and MySpace have proven retention a challenge – the injury), it seems monetization is still out
- Published in Display Advertising, Social Media
Kickstart social networking with Ya-huh?
Tuesday, 06 November 2007
by Paul O'Brien
An odd choice for the name of Yahoo’s next social network. Certainly, I applaud Yahoo’s effort as the internet brand which years ago should have defined social networking by simply adding connectivity between its users. Today they launch Kickstart, a clear shot at the origin of Facebook, targeting college students and alumni. If ever there
- Published in Social Media
Innovative Social Shopping with Bunnybot
Friday, 02 November 2007
by Paul O'Brien
As I shop for the holidays I am repeatedly faced with the same challenge, a discussion that ensues something like this: – I’d love to get the TiVo Series 2 HD DVR – That’s the thing that records TV right? – Um… yes, but you have to make sure it is a Series 2 –
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Fun, Social Media, Vertical Search, Web 2.0
Digg Hostile Takeover
Wednesday, 02 May 2007
by Paul O'Brien
The definitive web 2.0 news directory was inundated with users lashing out to Digg’s catering to industry. With the cracking of HD-DVD encryption codes, the movie industry has been stumbling over themselves with cease and desist letters to prevent sites from redistributing the key. Related articles were removed from Digg resulting in dozens of seemlingly
- Published in Social Media, Web 2.0