Why Most Investors Are Wasting Their Time Ignoring Emerging Fund Managers
Wednesday, 12 March 2025
The most prevalent reason why I always raise my hand to speak, moderate, or host an event, is that while written content reaches millions or podcasting helps people see or hear your tone and passion, it’s only through live events that one can read the reaction of an audience, and in real time nuance the
- Published in Startup Ecosystems
What the Best Angel Investors Do Differently in Startup Investing
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
The rush to become an angel investor mirrors the increase in the appeal of the “celebrity entrepreneur” we’ve seen over the last couple of decades. To flourish, the investor community must consolidate more (i.e. become an LP in a fund vs doing our own thing) and those who remain independent must level up their value-add. I
- Published in Raising Capital, Startup Ecosystems
“Venture Capital Destroys Value” – What??
Wednesday, 04 August 2021
The conversation recently had started, “Why do venture capitalists invest in startups if many of them are losing money and destroying value?” and I had to pause when I heard the point of view because I couldn’t even rationalize how someone thinks that way. Then of course it dawned on me that lately there has
Why Angel Investors are so Sought After
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
A great many new ventures are NOT businesses. They don’t yet know customers, have a business model, nor see a clear path to making money. We refer to these as “startups” Startups are distinct from new businesses (and new businesses are not necessarily startups) in that the business model is NOT known. This means such
- Published in Startups
The Rookie Mistake Investors Make Getting into Venture Capital
Tuesday, 02 April 2019
Venture capital investing is the riskier version of gambling in Las Vegas. Truly. 90% of startups fail. FEW are experienced with discerning any difference between those likely to fail and those not. What’s the rookie mistake in venture capital investing? Being a rookie. Without experience in startups, your odds are against you as much as
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups