Peter Drucker: Decades Later, Perhaps More Relevant to the 21st Century
Thursday, 08 August 2019
The best way to predict the future is to create it. Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said. Knowledge has to be
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Startups
Is ‘Blitzscaling’ Choking Innovation – And Wasting Money?
Thursday, 11 July 2019
WIRED and Executive in Residence and faculty member at Columbia Business School, Leonard Sherman, published a great look today at the implication of substantial rounds of investment going into young companies. The idea behind the intent, known as Blitzscaling, is to fuel such innovations substantially enough that they can establish a global market share and
- Published in Startups
Startup KPIs
Tuesday, 09 July 2019
Alright, in a rare break from how I tend to write, no narrative this time besides this which you’re reading now. A list! The KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) your startup should have. More importantly, Startup KPIs must be: Well defined Quantifiable Communicated throughout your team If they’re not, they’re not KPIs, they’re distractions or vanity
- Published in Advertising, Analytics, Insights / Research, PR, Startups
What Startup Founders with No Technical Skills Do During Incubation
Friday, 05 July 2019
I was inclined to put a brief Q&A in the experience where I mentor startups and founders, as I’m so frequently asked this that it’s certainly an FAQ. On further contemplation, this warrants an article. What do startups with no technical cofounders do during incubation? Seriously? It’s the most important work a venture does! The
- Published in Startups
What Most Don’t Understand Becoming an Entrepreneur
Monday, 24 June 2019
Becoming. That word. Entrepreneur is a personality trait Startup founder, business owner, inventor, executive… those are titles and roles someone can become. And they’re distinctly different things someone can become. Entrepreneur means you constantly see gaps in the market and move your own resources to create new opportunities. It’s a tendency you have, or don’t. And
- Published in Startups
Startups: Marketing Yourself or Hiring a Professional
Monday, 10 June 2019
Marketing is the first, foremost, and most important thing a business does. No market for your idea… nothing for you to do, no? You are doing that, yes? There is no customer, no investor, no partner, no desire, no demand, no co-founder, no support for what you want to do. You keep going? No, if
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups