“I have an Idea but lack Experience or Startup Capital…”
Monday, 09 September 2024
This is one of those frequently heard statements that helps a startup ecosystem recognize that gaps remain. Last week, I pushed founders and economists to recognize the distinction between innovation and technology (between startups and businesses), and from that, I was asked for advice too frequently asked, “How can I capitalize on an app idea
- Published in Raising Capital, Startups
The 6 Considerations of the Economic Development of Startups
Thursday, 29 August 2024
In my work with cities throughout the world, guiding how to foster entrepreneurship, few realize or fully appreciate that the experiences of my life inform what works and what doesn’t, in a region of the world trying to help startups. Raised in Michigan, I spent years exposed to what it means to have a city
- Published in Economic Development, Featured, Insights / Research, Startup Ecosystems, Startups
Marketing and Storytelling Manifest a Startup City
Friday, 23 August 2024
The explosive growth of specific cities throughout the world might be the best evidence of the impact of good old-fashioned marketing. Not advertising mind you, but marketing: understanding what you have, for whom, why they care, and delivering that to them. The last 25 years or so have witnessed the transformation of our world from
- Published in Economic Development, Industry, Insights / Research, Startup Ecosystems
Why Accelerators Fail Startup Founders
Thursday, 11 April 2024
Let’s take the two most distributed Startup Development Organizations in the world, and tease out what’s happening In a point of fact: overwhelming most Accelerators *fail* founders; but why? With such a bold assertion, let me properly set the stage by pointing out that when 90% or more of all startups fail rather quickly, it’s
- Published in Featured, Industry, Insights / Research, Startup Ecosystems, Startups
Invention, Creativity, and Innovation are Merely the Gears that Turn a Startup
Wednesday, 06 March 2024
We’re witnessing throughout the world that our focus on “tech” for the sake of technology skills, and STEM education to support that, is actually failing people. Don’t be misled… yes, an education in technology will result in a decent job; more so than most University studies which result in poorer job prospects. I’m referring to
- Published in Startups