How, not just Why, Startups Fail
Friday, 06 April 2018
Article after article, study after study, offers Buzzfeed style insight to why startups fail. It’s such a popular and frequently recurring tweet that I’ve started chewing on WHY the question of why keeps coming up. As founders, perhaps we’re asking the wrong question and shouldn’t be seeking to know why but rather how (or, how
- Published in Featured, Insights / Research, Startups
Why Startups Fail – Bosses vs. Founders
Monday, 19 January 2015
Almost every list of reasons startups fail, point out near the top that they run out of capital. Lists created by founders abound and it’s not unreasonable to conclude that they’ll cite that they ran out money. It’s not wrong, startups most often succeed through perseverance, tenacity, and patience, but I’m intrigued by what you probably
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups