Mashup Feeds with Yahoo! Pipes
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
If you are as much an online marketing dork as I am, a fun way to spend your afternoon is with the soft-launched Yahoo! Pipes. Pipes is an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator with which you can meshed and changes feeds to create an output that is more powerful, useful and relevant. Consider what could
New Google Base Attributes
Friday, 09 February 2007
My favorite CSE, Google Base (I still prefer “Froogle” don’t you?), has made a significant enhancement to the quality of their product engine with the addition of product attributes to the feed specifications. As I hope you know, Google Base allows stores to upload product feeds so that their audience can find, consider, and compare
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search, Vertical Search
Tail Keywords are likely a Better Value
Monday, 30 October 2006
I’ve written before about an often overlooked opportunity for retailers to easily increase and maintain the tail of their paid search keyword list. The tail is a commonly used name for the thousands of less popular keywords which get few impressions yet, in bulk, make up the greater number of terms. Your keyword list should
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Paid Search, Search