“Venture Capital Destroys Value” – What??
Wednesday, 04 August 2021
The conversation recently had started, “Why do venture capitalists invest in startups if many of them are losing money and destroying value?” and I had to pause when I heard the point of view because I couldn’t even rationalize how someone thinks that way. Then of course it dawned on me that lately there has
In the Company of Venture Capital
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
People have different definitions of “startup” and “venture capital,” and it’s that foundation that causes frustrations and misplaced expectations. What Frustrations in Venture Capital? The real reason founders are not funded VCs don’t say in a pitch process Why Venture Capitalists Aren’t Funding The Businesses We Need VCs like to take their time with their
- Published in Startups
Asked: What Stops VCs from Investing in Foreign Companies?
Monday, 25 January 2021
Nothing, it happens all the time. Yet, the question is common, frequently asked; begging a question its own – what are startups struggling with that they think that foreign investors won’t invest? Start with this appreciation: investing in startups is the riskiest use of capital, in the world. Gambling at a casino is more likely
- Published in Insights / Research, Raising Capital, Regional Development, Startups
The Valuation of a Pre Funded Startup
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Startups all, struggle with a question of what’s called, “valuation.” What is the company worth? To put together a pitch deck, negotiate terms with investors, or just to share with potential team members and advisors what you’re doing, people will want to know what it’s worth now. Before you take money from a venture capital
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Ideas Are Valuable; Stop Saying They’re Not!
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Businesses without ideas are like people with matches trying to light a wet campfire. Striking, striking, and striking again. You have the stuff that's valued (wood, matches) but you can't do anything without a ton of work.
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
The Funding Flywheel
Wednesday, 09 September 2020
Businesses and startup founders learn early of a critical methodology in sales referred to as a funnel. Developing products and services, marketing is the process therein by which organizations get to know potential customers and then profile people so as to better understand the needs and motivations. The goal, of course, being the conversion of people
- Published in Advertising, Startups
Why Angel Investors are so Sought After
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
A great many new ventures are NOT businesses. They don’t yet know customers, have a business model, nor see a clear path to making money. We refer to these as “startups” Startups are distinct from new businesses (and new businesses are not necessarily startups) in that the business model is NOT known. This means such
- Published in Startups