Neither Your Product nor Your Idea is Fundable
Sunday, 14 August 2022
How do I sell a startup that has a validated solution yet neither users nor revenue? Among the primary FAQs within startup incubators and of advisors, is how do I get my product funded? You know the question through the variety of ways in which it emerges: How do I raise startup capital for my
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Raising Capital, Startups
A Marketer in Sheep’s Clothing
Tuesday, 04 January 2011
Perhaps the greatest convergence between entrepreneurs occurs when a Product person collaborates with a Marketer. Web services and mobile apps are increasingly easier to build but creating the next Mint, Square, or Mailchimp requires product genius. Exponentially increasing the likelihood of success, reducing risk, and scaling growth in a venture comes from a marketer who
- Published in Conferences / Events