Startups aren’t defined by Tech: How a Beverage Venture can Change the World
Sunday, 09 October 2022
Why is Coca-Cola a super successful company even though its main product does not solve any world problem? The question caught my attention for two reasons: Much of the world seems misled to perceive that startups and technology go hand in hand, as though something can’t be a startup unless it is in tech. Too
- Published in Advertising, Industry, Insights / Research, Startups
The Epicenter of Texas Technology
Monday, 12 September 2022
Regional culture, history, and infrastructure are the qualities of a region of the world that drives innovation, jobs, and economic development because technology is ultimately about people and their potential. Our work in MediaTech Ventures has touched upon that fact a few times, whether in John Zozzaro’s look at Culture and Buildings or our exploration
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Regional Development
Neither Your Product nor Your Idea is Fundable
Sunday, 14 August 2022
How do I sell a startup that has a validated solution yet neither users nor revenue? Among the primary FAQs within startup incubators and of advisors, is how do I get my product funded? You know the question through the variety of ways in which it emerges: How do I raise startup capital for my
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Raising Capital, Startups
New Business or Startup? It Matters
Friday, 01 July 2022
I’ve been the “Grumpy Get Off My Lawn!” about this over the years and tend to just roll with the people who are adamant that words are interchangeable, feeling that it’s not worth pushing when people want to say one thing can mean another. Of what have I been grumpy? Words matter. An investor in
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Startups: Market Timing is Misleading
Monday, 27 June 2022
It’s never too early to work on something toward which you’re truly passionate. Too many founders start out focused on building the business they want or expecting when and how to make money. Bless them for playing, but that’s not how startups work. Those are the people who fail not because they’re wrong, they fail
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
‘I Recently Left an Agency to Join a Startup…’
Monday, 21 March 2022
“Now I have to think in terms of scale and process, not just marketing, which is a new paradigm for me. What are your best learning resources (book, webinars, podcasts, etc.) to start thinking in terms of scale and process?” Great question, but one that also left me with a weight of concern, disappointment, and
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
The Great Resignation or The Next Great Migration?
Friday, 04 March 2022
Talk radio this morning shared a Fast Company headline that Public schools are facing an existential Great Resignation of teachers. The National Education Association (NEA), released a new poll conducted to gauge the amount of stress on members today and it showed that 55% of teachers now say they’re going to leave the profession sooner than they’d planned. That
- Published in Economic Development, Insights / Research