Ping bing – The SEO Tongue Twister
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
One of the techniques used to attract search engine spiders to your blog or website is called pinging. Essentially, you alert the search engine of any changes to your site and it draws a crawler to reindex the content. This works on the same basic technology as the Trackback and Pingback with which you might
- Published in MSN, Natural Search / SEO
Get pants like jonathan
Thursday, 06 August 2009
Its been lambasted and praised; I, for one, think Microsoft’s award winning jingle is brilliant. After all, the holy grail of search? Being able to find pants like Jonathan: Bing!
- Published in MSN, Paid Search
The Sitemap, Your Hostess with the Mostest
Friday, 24 July 2009
I had a great conversation the other day with a friend who was asking about the importance of a sitemap. While a protocol exists, prompting an easy answer to most questions, it was proposed that following it didn’t really matter with Google owning search. Fine opinion to take if you are the type to put
- Published in Natural Search / SEO
Google Please Work on the Blog Search Algorithm!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
One aspect of the regular search algorithm that seems of increasing importance to blog search is authority; page rank, or what ever you want to call it. Simply, ensuring that blog search fosters the inherent premise of a blog by promoting real bloggers. I LOVE blog search. I can’t stress enough how much I prefer
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Google, Vertical Search
Identifying Comment Spam with Google