Why Startup Founders Need Executives Before Customers
Friday, 29 July 2016
Time and time again I’m advising founders on the cat and mouse game of customers vs. funding. You know the rat race: investors want to see customers… you have some but seemingly not enough… you’re advised that you need to talk to more customers to validate what you’re doing… you have and yet… Something is
- Published in Startups
Pitch Slap – How Your Attempt to Get Your Startup Funded is Failed by Your Pitch
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
You take the stage, perhaps at a demo event or perhaps even in a smaller sense, with an Angel cattle call, group of investors, or even with the press. You’ve been practicing in front of the mirror for weeks the pitch designed for you by the local incubator, crafted after Guy Kawasaki’s famous 10 slides,
- Published in Raising Capital
Austin is Music Tech
Monday, 06 June 2016
“Music is the greatest form of communication. It possesses the information of language, the emotion of poetry, the creativity of art and the passion of love.” That’s a thought I shared almost two decades ago with a Yahoo! time capsule (yes, there was such a thing); a sentiment I put down for posterity, digitally. Music
Real Estate Tech is Texas
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Everything is bigger in Texas, under the Lone Star. Real estate is as Texan as Oil & Gas, with even ranches here that are larger than some states. What recently struck me was the discovery that, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis and National Association of Realtors, Texas Real Estate accounts for roughly 14%
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Local, Startups
Where are Austin’s Venture Capital Firms?
Tuesday, 03 May 2016
Of late I’ve been exploring, discussing, and working with Austin’s venture capital economy. We’ll not belabor the ongoing discussions of the state of venture capital, lack of funding, future of financing, and otherwise here; rather, what struck me as potentially helpful is a mere layout of where venture capital is found. Certainly, before we can
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research, Raising Capital, Texas Startups
Should I be Seeking Funding from an Incubator or Angel Investor?
Monday, 02 May 2016
In the midst of the next startup bust (apparently), entrepreneurs are seemingly struggling to raise capital now more than ever. A very frequently asked question I’m hearing, sounds something along the lines of, “should I just take the terms of the local incubator?” But what troubles me in such questions more, is not the desperation
- Published in Startups