The Disconnect Between Sales and Marketing
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
This is a topic that really intrigues. In part, simply because it’s a VERY frequently discussed topic and considered issue. Check it out, from a simple Google Search: Why Marketing and Sales Don’t Get Along – From Grow and Convert Why Sales and Marketing Don’t Get Along – Via Harvard Business Review 3 Reasons B2B
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Search, Startups
Early Stage Startups: Sales vs. Marketing
Monday, 13 November 2017
It’s that this question of priorities exists that one can appreciate why so many startups fail. For decades, economists have noted that only two things create value in business: innovation and marketing. Everything else is a cost of doing business. Yet… we’re exploring here the notion that Sales is more important. You’ve been led to
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
RISE to the Occasion
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
RISE Austin kicked off yesterday and proves, once again, to be one of the pivotal events in Austin’s entrepreneurial economy. On the heels of President Obama’s visit to Austin, the timing of RISE is an intriguing contrast to the President’s goal of learning what makes Austin so incredible and successful. While he and the world
- Published in Conferences, Industry, Startups
Marketing with Zvents – SEO and Shopping in One
Friday, 22 June 2007
The announcement has been made, not long ago I left HP to join the brilliant group of folks creating a remarkable event search technology at Zvents. Considering yourselves Mr. and Ms. America (not Mr. and Ms. Marketer), I’d be remiss (and not doing my job) to not mention that Zvents is where you want to
- Published in Brand Marketing, Comparison Shopping, Display Advertising, Fun, Local, Natural Search / SEO, Search, Vertical Search, Web 2.0