The Only Thing You Need to Know About SEO
Friday, 27 December 2013
Austin, Texas is still an “SEO Community.” What do I mean by that? I’ve been in Austin three years now and the amount of time I spend advising startups why their desire to hire an SEO is misplaced, is astonishing. To this day, I’m introduced in social settings here as an SEO, clients refer to
- Published in Insights / Research, Natural Search / SEO, Search
Promoting Your Business with a WordPress Plugin
Thursday, 08 March 2012
Few marketers, and even fewer entrepreneurs and business owners, realize the significance of WordPress. With the hype and popularity of Tumblr (to be sure, it’s growing like a weed), this CMS (Content Management System) is easily discarded as a tool used by blogs and bloggers. Any idea how many blogs are in the world? I
- Published in Advertising, Search, Startups
What Google’s Content Farm News Means To You
Friday, 25 February 2011
For months, years, Google has been lambasted for the decreasing quality of their results. Annoyed by search results page dominated by the likes of Demand Media and other content farms, fed up with comment spam, and frustrated to the lengths everyone will go to own SERPs, the industry and consumers alike have cried from the
- Published in Search
What Mobile Means to Google Search
Saturday, 29 January 2011
I can’t imagine this is an entirely original idea, it’s come up a couple times in discussions I’ve had with folks the last few days, but I think it’s both a brilliant conspiracy theory and a trend heavily rooted in reality. Google is Most Threatened by Mobile Think back to your experience on the internet
Writing Search Optimized Blog Posts
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Whether you run a site or a blog, ongoing content creation is one of the best ways to attract search engines and build equity for your domain. Consider it one of the few clearly logarithmic forms of marketing; while your early work may seem futile, over time, content depth on your site will likely trump
- Published in Natural Search / SEO