Best Search Marketing Blogs on the Net
Thursday, 19 July 2007
We’ve made the cut! Top Rank Blog has a wonderful list of search marketing blogs serving as an index of the cream of the crop. Has your favorite blog hit the mark? If not, give the list a read and you might find a tremendous resource right beneath your nose. Some of my favorites are
- Published in Blogs & Blogging
The Value of Product Placement – iPhone and Calamari
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
We have all heard of product placement on TV; the ever present Ford trucks in 24 and the interwoven Toyota Yaris in the animated Smallville Legends on the WB hit are a fact of life in our TiVo world. Should we place blame on the early Bond films for having spawned this marketing channel? The
- Published in Brand Marketing, Display Advertising, Fun, Insights / Research
Google Eliminates Fee for FeedBurner Branding
Tuesday, 03 July 2007
Google’s has opened FeedBurners’ MyBrand domain service allowing bloggers and websites to brand their RSS domains free of charge. The MyBrand service allows publishers to obtain a branded experience while leveraging FeedBurner’s RSS optimization and analytics technologies. You accomplish this by changing the CNAME in your DNS records to point to the FeedBurner account creating
- Published in Search
Search Engine Friendly Design – Searchnomics Panel
Tuesday, 03 July 2007
Last week’s Searchnomics conference proved that the WebGuild can deliver an exceptional event. Most impressive, which I intend to reiterate here, were the keynotes from Hitwise and comScore highlighting the power of search behavior as a window into your customer, a topic we discussed just a month ago. WebGuild’s approach to search marketing is a
- Published in Conferences / Events, Natural Search / SEO, Search
Marketing with Zvents – SEO and Shopping in One
Friday, 22 June 2007
The announcement has been made, not long ago I left HP to join the brilliant group of folks creating a remarkable event search technology at Zvents. Considering yourselves Mr. and Ms. America (not Mr. and Ms. Marketer), I’d be remiss (and not doing my job) to not mention that Zvents is where you want to