DMOZ is back
Friday, 19 January 2007
It has been so long since DMOZ, one of the most widely used directories, appeared to be making additions and edits, I’ve neglected it and missed some important news. On December 20, 2006, Search Engine Roundtable reported the editor area had reopened. Even then though, it was unclear how much editing was being done. The
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search
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Bees can tell you so much about your audience
Friday, 12 January 2007 has a search engine analysis tool that knows whether a search leading to your site was a question or request. Already a great resource for marketing, provides natural search engine traffic analytics with a laundry list of statistics and in-depth information on the queries that drive visitors to your site. Discover the Long
- Published in Analytics, Vendors / Agencies
SEMPO Board Renewal
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Nominations for the 2007-2008 Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization board have opened and will remain as such through Thursday, January 18, 5:00 PM Eastern Time Visit and note the “2007 Board of Directors Election†news in the middle of the page; you are required to be a member. Key dates: January 8th – 18th,
- Published in Conferences / Events, Vendors / Agencies
Alleluia Floodlight
Friday, 05 January 2007
I neglected to point out in December that Doubleclick picked up an award for a technology worth your attention. During the fourth annual ASPY awards created by Aspen group to salute the best solutions from publishers and vendors, Doubleclick’s Floodlight tag was recognized “Best Technology Solution” I call it a container tag. Floodlight is a
- Published in eCommerce
I thought ‘standing still’ meant I couldn’t be tagged?
Friday, 05 January 2007
For those of you who don’t know, a game of tag was started among-st search bloggers by Jeff Pulver. I’m it. The Rules: You do not talk about BLOG TAG! You have to tell 5 things about yourself that no one else knows Tag 5 others There are no tag-backs! But it doesn’t hurt to
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Fun
Blogger now working!
Friday, 05 January 2007
For days now, a collection of changes and a few posts have languished in Blogger going unpublished. Most tragic is the perception conveyed to you that I’ve abandoned you or, worse, am enjoying Mai Tais in Tahiti. Rest assured, by the time you read this post, obviously, blogger is working again and I am no
- Published in Blogs & Blogging
Is a Site Widget helpful for SEO?
Friday, 22 December 2006
Social bookmarking site released a website widget today that publishes the quantity of bookmarks and highlights most popular tags for a page in your site. is much more flexible than web browser favorites or bookmarks as you can store links to favorite websites online, allowing you to access the same bookmarks from any
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search, Web 2.0