So How do I Decide if I Should Join an Accelerator?
Friday, 19 January 2018
Let me cut to the chase: MOST are businesses selling you services, using you as their product, to promote their brand while leveraging the word “accelerator.” As you consider such programs, head into them first being clear about what Accelerator means and validate that they actually do that. Then look to what the founders and
- Published in Startups
The Fore Steps to a Startup’s Addressable Market
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Here’s the thing, I suck at golf and as an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur, I can’t fathom making myself available for 5 hours to putt around a golf course. Yet, succeeding as a founder might be as commonplace as hitting a hole in one… very least, it’s fair to say you have to shoot par. Rest assured,
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Startups
Early Stage Startups: Sales vs. Marketing
Monday, 13 November 2017
It’s that this question of priorities exists that one can appreciate why so many startups fail. For decades, economists have noted that only two things create value in business: innovation and marketing. Everything else is a cost of doing business. Yet… we’re exploring here the notion that Sales is more important. You’ve been led to
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Overcoming Obstacles: How Startups Prevent a Hiccup in Due Diligence
Monday, 18 September 2017
Most of the articles you read about venture capital, and getting funded, are focused on the positive outcome – finding, meeting, and pitching the VC. Let’s take a look at a startup from the other perspective – how to avoid a “no.” If an investor takes a shine to you, they’re going to go through
- Published in Startups
Telling a Story that Raises Capital
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Shehzad Bharwani and Adnan Merchant have helped start an incredible story; a story about the role Austin will play in FinTech. It was the fact that they have a story about the work they were doing as entrepreneurs – the experience Shehzad shared with me in transitioning his company, Dealytics, from New York to Austin,
- Published in Startups
Conspire to Change Austin Startups
Friday, 11 August 2017
Peter Thiel, notable by way of PayPal, Founders Fund, and Zero to One, if you’re not familiar, noted once that, “a great company is a conspiracy to change the world.” I was honored recently to be asked by one of Austin’s great mentors and investors, Ryan Merket, to keynote Amazon’s AWS Startup Day in Austin.
- Published in Startups, Texas Startups
Frequently Asked: How can I identify venture capital companies and investors who might be interested?
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Where can I pitch my startup? Who will fund us? Those are the questions typically heard and occasionally, too rarely, someone asks the more valuable question, how do I figure out who will fund me? Who will fund you gets the heart of an exercise far too few startups conduct; asking the question of whether
- Published in Startups