T-shirts the ideal form of targeted marketing?
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
The CPM is low, though distribution costs a challenge. Consider that a simple t-shirt serves as an endorsement, while reaching the wearer’s peers – targeted, potential customers. After all, if said wearer loves your products or service, are his friends more likely to feel the same? They can be locally targeted, serve as a cherished
- Published in Advertising, Local, Startups
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Is Your Site (not your blog) Run By WordPress? Perhaps it Should Be
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
WordPress – The celebrated blog platform, favored by search marketers for its amazing degree of customization and built-in optimization, comes in two flavors: Hosted by wordpress.com: Gets you started as quickly and easily as the perhaps more well known hosted, and Google owned, Blogger. The WordPress platform provided by wordpress.org: The downloadable version of WordPress
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Insights / Research, Vendors / Agencies
My self-medication
Monday, 09 June 2008
Whew! It has sure been a while hasn’t it? My day job has kept me so swamped with exceptional growth and new opportunity that I haven’t even had time to take a moment for myself, let alone my blog. Until now! On the eve of a trip to Cabo San Lucas I stumbled upon this
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Fun
Why You Need A Blog
Thursday, 13 March 2008
I’ve had a dozen folks ask me about blogs since only the first of the year so here’s an episode from CommonCraft Productions, allowing me to, once again, cop out on a real post (I promise I won’t make it a habit) The CommonCraft Show has found a niche with these unique videos providing brief
- Published in Blogs & Blogging
Google Eliminates Fee for FeedBurner Branding
Tuesday, 03 July 2007
Google’s has opened FeedBurners’ MyBrand domain service allowing bloggers and websites to brand their RSS domains free of charge. The MyBrand service allows publishers to obtain a branded experience while leveraging FeedBurner’s RSS optimization and analytics technologies. You accomplish this by changing the CNAME in your DNS records to point to the FeedBurner account creating
- Published in Search